Efficient for modern automobiles with high-powered engines, including multivalve, turbocharged, with direct injection and equipped with intercooler.
Universally applied to gasoline, LPG (liquefied petro-leum gas) and diesel engines.
Reliably maintains high operational properties by extended oil change intervals.
Due to the complex synthetic base, it quickly reaches all lubrication points by cold start and creates a reli-able oil film on parts.
Stable in heavy loaded modes and car operation conditions.
Contributes to fuel economy due to its fluidity.
Keeps the oil system of the engine perfectly clean.
SAE: 5W-40
GM dexos2
Fiat 9.55535-T2/S2/GH2
MB 229.31, 226.5
Porsche A40
Renault RN 0700/0710
VW 502 00/505 01
BMW Longlife-04
Ford WSS-M2C917-A